Davis trackhire external ground protection
Date published: 13 Mar 2024
Nicole Stephenson

External ground protection: More frequently asked questions

Following the success of one of our previous insights, ‘Temporary road mats: Our most frequently asked questions’ we have rounded up our team to come up with more of our frequently asked questions about our external ground protection. In addition to this, we have provided a link at the bottom for clients, prospective clients, and our website visitors to ask any further questions that we may not have covered.

Which type of external ground protection is best for my project? 

All in all, the choice depends on factors like the ground conditions, the weight and type of traffic, and the specific requirements of your project. Our team can guide you based on your needs. 

How do I determine the quantity of temporary road products needed for my project? 

Factors such as the length, width, and expected traffic load of your project influence the quantity required. Our expert team can assist in calculating the optimal amount of external ground protection you need based on your project specifications. 

raised chevrons external ground protection

Can external ground protection be used in all weather conditions? 

Yes. Temporary road solutions demonstrate versatility and withstand various weather conditions. However, we consider specific product features for optimal performance, especially in challenging weather like heavy rain or snow. 

Are the temporary road products environmentally friendly? 

We manufacture many of our products from recyclable materials, such as aluminum and HDPE, known for their environmental sustainability. This makes our external ground protection solutions eco-friendly. You can read more about this, here

What types of projects are suitable for temporary roadway? 

External ground protection, also referred to as temporary road panels, trackway or roadway is suitable for a wide range of projects. This includes construction sites, events, utilities maintenance, aviation emergencies, infrastructure projects, and more. It provides effective access solutions in various industries. Take a look here to see who we’ve worked with.

external ground protection maintainance

How do I maintain the ground protection during a project? 

Upon collection and before installation we regularly inspect and clean our temporary roads. The maintenance we provide means whilst installed on your project you don’t need to do anything. However, we encourage all of our clients to avoid excessive speed and not to distribute heavy loads evenly to help their preservation.

What is the hire duration for your external ground protection? 

Hire durations can vary based on the project’s timeline and your specific needs. We offer flexible rental options to accommodate short-term and long-term projects. 

Lastly, if you have any further questions, please get in touch.

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Contact us today to arrange a free no obligation quotation for your next project or event. Please complete the form below and one of our team of experts will contact you within 24hrs.

Alternatively contact us on 01698 352751 for an immediate response.