Film shoot derby
Date published: 13 Aug 2024
Nicole Stephenson

The complete lighting tower safety guide for film & TV sets

Over the years, we have provided ground solutions contributing towards lighting tower safety for many UK films and TV productions. This has ranged from large set-down areas for trucks and trailers, to access roads and even landing pads for large drones, cranes and lighting towers. Many A-list stars (and even some Oscar winners!) have walked across our trackway panels.

There are varying kinds of lighting towers used within media and production. Lighting towers don’t just differ by height and wattage requirements but also by their operating systems. The most commonly used are:

Whilst each has different benefits and suitabilities for varying film and TV sets, each type also poses different risks. With the use of our ground protection, we can dramatically lower and potentially eliminate risks posed by each type and style of lighting tower.

Why safety is so important when using lighting towers on set

There are several obvious risks surrounding lighting towers and some which are not as apparent. Lighting tower safety is extremely important to us at Davis Trackhire and when presented with a new film & TV set client enquiry we investigate this area as a part of our RAMS three-step safety process.

Fire hazard

Traditional lighting towers are diesel-powered which means when they have to be re-fulled. The area surrounding the tower must be free from any source of ignition, just one open flame within a close proximity could massively increase the chances of accidental fire.

Electrical hazard

Lighting towers operate using an extremely high voltage. Safety checks on the equipment, checking for any new damages, particularly with the power cord, need to be carried out regularly and before switching the unit on.

For battery-powered lighting towers that need to be recharged, it is important to let the equipment cool down before touching it to prevent burns. When charging the battery, the surroundings also need to be checked for any sources of ignition.

Overhead hazards

Lighting towers can be as tall as 9m and the absolute minimum height for overhead power cables in the UK is 5.8m, so this has been known to cause many problems when filming in outdoor locations. When we provide trackway solutions on a film set (or for any client) we use GS6 height restrictors to prevent any electrical incidents.

Ground stability

Lastly, the one in which we have the most experience. Rocky, uneven, marshy and generally tough terrain are unacceptable surfaces to set lighting towers on. Despite industrial standard lighting towers having locking wheels and three extendable legs for support, the risks are still too high.

In order to prevent lighting towers from overturning and causing serious or even fatal injuries to crew, actors or visitors on set temporary road mats are required. Even the most level and stable-looking grounds will need stabilisation to provide the ultimate lighting tower safety for film and tv sets, when shooting on location.

Our temporary trackway provides a safe route for the lighting tower to be transported along and setup on a configuration of appropriate ground support and accessories. An added benefit is for the environment and the protection of the grass. Otherwise, it could be damaged by lighting tower wheels and the pressure of the structure.

We find the HSE is an extremely useful resource for safety guidance on site lighting.

Film Shoot graound protection mats uk

It starts with a surface assessment  

On film and tv set locations, where lighting towers are required, it is often because the location is remote, with access to only natural daylight, this usually means the ground is unlandscaped. Generally, locations like this have uneven and unpredictable terrain. Sometimes, to the human eye the ground can look relatively flat. However, when vehicles are travelling across and equipment is being erected on it, the surface will begin to show its imperfections.

Due to this, surfaces need to be evaluated thoroughly using specialist equipment like a GPS rover. The ground also needs to be assessed for sharp intrusive objects or rocks. Surface assessments will also look at streams or rivers closeby, and how likely their banks are to burst.

Lighting towers can be as tall as 9m and in most circumstances there is often no built-up area to shield equipment. Equipment could be subject to heavy down pours and strong winds. This is why a surface assessment is imperative to ensure the correct type and amount of trackway ordered.

If assessing your set we would determine which of our three trackway products and accessories are best for your terrain (or recommend multiple, if your site has varying terrains). We provide the following: Aluminium trackway panels, HDPE ground protection mats and TuffTrak mats.

Why are site surveys so important

3 ways to assess the safety of your lighting towers on set

1. Establish stability with a trackway solution – An unstabilised lighting tower could be extremely dangerous. Trackway solutions (like ours!) offer a safe and stable route for your lighting tower to travel down through your outdoor set to its position to be setup.

2. Height and weight limits when filming on set or on location – Providing a correct ground assessment has taken place you will be aware of the ground’s weight restrictions. It is also recommended to use GS6 height restriction barriers that extend up to 24 feet. The barrier warns drivers of overhead dangers like cables and powerlines. You can also place these at the entrance to your site if it is too risky for vehicles over a certain height to be on set.

3. Working with a team of knowledgeable professionals who can provide tailored safety advice – Lighting towers are very dangerous pieces of equipment when not operated correctly. It is always advised to have a specialist engineer on-site to operate and refuel them and work with trackway hire specialists as opposed to self-installing.

We can help with effective lighting tower safety protocols

When you call to book trackway for your TV or film set we provide a phone call ‘initial requirements’ assessment. We then physically attend site (met by an appointed person) to carry out our three-step site assessment.

As well as our ground protection mats we also use a number of other components and accessories to support our equipment and make our setup on your site extremely secure.

Over the years we have picked up many tips, suggestions and methods from crew and lighting tower specialists. This extended insight provides further knowledge of the equipment being used on our trackway.

No two film or tv set is alike. The diversity of each job, has allowed us to feel experienced enough to suggest the best solutions. It also means we can install and take down solutions efficiently.

Lighting tower safety questions we’re often asked

We recommend you conduct a tower light assessment on each site.

Ensure you use enough lighting to provide adequate illumination for the work area.

It is also important to look at tower light placement to improve visibility and reduce shadows amongst hazards. Our final tip is regular maintenance and inspections to ensure your tower lights are working correctly. This will ensure wiring is intact and secure.

If you would like to speak to our friendly service team about our temporary ground protection solutions for your film or tv set you can contact us here or call 01698 352751.

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Alternatively contact us on 01698 352751 for an immediate response.